After spending nearly two years attempting to get MakersPlace to do a feature on my work, they sent me a message announcing they were shutting down. That’s just wonderful. Two years of wasted time and effort. There are other marketplaces, but how do I know that one day they won’t close their doors as well?

With the blossoming of AI and generative artists, sometimes called prompters, the marketplace has been flooded with machine made ‘art‘ that can take very little time and effort to produce. One of the more prestigious marketplaces reveals that they represent over 70,000 artists.

Unless you have an influencer, a large social media following, use a PR/Marketing firm, have had feature articles written about you and your work, or are already well known, you’re pretty much lost in space. I’ve written to numerous publications asking if they would consider doing a feature on my work. I never heard from a single one. E-mail is the only way to contact them. There are probably hundreds of messages, if not more, delivered to them every day. And where do those messages end up? Probably their spam or trash folders.

I’ve found it’s extremely difficult, if not nearly impossible, to get your work noticed in such a bloated arena. I don’t know what my next move will be. I’m running out of options. Any suggestions? If I find any methodology that works, I’ll let you know.